Welcome to the official KIITA.DEV Wiki, where I aim to help cover everything there is to do on Arma 3 and assist with new features that even veteran players may not know in-depth. Writing pages is locked down to Wiki Writers & Wiki Editors, however, we welcome you to apply by contacting Myself personally.

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Hello there, I am KIITA an American Arma III SQF Developer

I wright in depth coding for Arma III Life servers Predominantly; however this normally comes at a cost of my time.

how do I complete these tasks? some have wondered for awhile now and I'm here to answer that question!

I use a personally owned server that runs tasks in the background and I also use programs I've created for personal use tied into Visual studio Code, some of the other programs can be found HERE

If you want to learn to start your coding journey on Arma III I recommend starting HERE